How are the Goal and Goals fields filtered for Projects, Demands, and ProgramsSummaryFor all of the "Goals" List-Type fields on Project, Demand, and Programs:The "getGoalIds" Script Include is used.Here are some notes on how the Goals will be filtered:- Must be an Active Goal record - If a Portfolio is associated with the Project/Demand/Program, it will show any Goals related to that Portfolio or ones without a related Portfolio. If there is no Portfolio for the Project/Demand/Program then any Goal will show.- If there are any Business Unit Strategies or Enterprise Strategies associated with the Project/Demand/Program, it will then filter for only the Goals associated with those selected Strategy types. If there are no Strategies for Project/Demand/Program then any Goal will show.For the "Goal" Reference fields on Project and Demands:The "getPortfolioGoalIds" Script Include is used.It will gather all Goal records associated with the current Portfolio