How to use the Create Folder Action for the OneDrive SpokeSummaryIn this article we will demonstrate the step by step procedure on how to use the Create Folder Action for the OneDrive Spoke.Instructions1.First of all, make sure that you have followed all the Steps in the knowledge article to setup spoke : How To Set Up Microsoft OneDrive Spoke 2. On your ServiceNow instance navigate to Flow Designer > Designer > Flows > New > provide a name for the flow Eg: Test OneDrive 3.Select a trigger for the flow 4. Add the create Folder action 5. Fill in the necessary details. 6. Once the action created save and activate the flow.Test the flow by clicking on "Test" button highlighted on above screen 7. Check the flow execution to see if it completed successfully 8. Go to your Microsoft OneDrive server and check if the folder is created. Copy the link highlighed above (web_url), and access it from the browser. Refer below screenshot to verify the folder created "oneDriveTest" 9. You can use the several actions under the Microsoft OneDrive spoke the same way. Refer the product documentation to check action details : OneDrive Spoke Actions