Flow stops with no clear reason and stuck in "Continue Sync" stateDescriptionFlows get stuck Continue Sync (sys_flow_context.state) after a second REST step on the MIDSteps to Reproduce Create an action "testAction" with the following steps:1. Script 1 -> gs.print("hi");2. Rest Action on MID3. Script 2 -> gs.print("hi");Publish the actionCreate a flow "testFlow" and add the following1. testAction2. wait for time (10) seconds3. testActionActivate the flowGoto Background Scripts and run the following:sn_fd.FlowAPI.executeFlow("global.testFlow"); -> gets stuck in 'Continue Sync' state after 10+ seconds, open the execution and check 1st two actions in 'Complete State' 3rd step in no state Alternatively: sn_fd.FlowAPI.startFlow("global.testFlow"); -> check executions gets completed after 10+ secondsWorkaroundUse startFlow instead of executeFlow OR do not quiesce the flow. executeFlow is meant to return the flow outputs and the outputs won't be available if the flow quiesces.Related Problem: PRB1417621