How to Set up DocuSign spokeSummaryIn this article we will describe how to set up the DocuSign Spoke.InstructionsPre-Requisite: You should have DocuSign Account ServiceNow Instance with DocuSign Spoke Installed Part 1: Create an app in your DocuSign Account Login to your DocuSign AccountNavigate to the Admin section & Click on API and KeysClick on ADD APP / INTEGRATION KEY button to create an Integration appGet hold of Integration Key & Secret KeyClick on Add RSA Keypair & copy the Public, Private & Keypair ID into safer locationEnter the value for Redirect URLs (e. g - Note: Make sure You select User Application as “Authorization Code Grant” Part 2: Generate the JKS File Copy the Private key that was generated from your DocuSign Integration app and make a new file privatekey.key with this private key.Create CA signed certificate using private key, please run the below command for this openssl req -new -x509 -key privatekey.key -out cacert.pem -days 1095 3. Create PKCS 12 file using your private key and CA signed certificate, please run the below command for this (Set the Password, whenever it asks) openssl pkcs12 -export -in cacert.pem -inkey privatekey.key -certfile cacert.pem -out testkeystore.p12 4. Now, Create the JKS file by running the below command keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore testkeystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore ranDocusign.jks -deststoretype JKS Part 3: Create the oAuth Profile & JWT Provider in your ServiceNow Instance Login to your ServiceNow instance Navigate to the System Definition -> Certificates & Click on New to create a New CertificateSelect the Type to Java Key Store & Enter the password which created while Generating JKS file & Attach the JKS fileClick on Validate Stores/Certificates link Navigate to the System oAuth -> JWT Keys & create a new JWS KeySelect the Previously created Cert for Signing Keystore & Enter the Signing KeyNavigate to the JWT Providers -> Create new JWT ProviderSelect the Previously created JWT Key for Signing Configuration enter the appropriate values for Standard Claims & Create a new entry in Custom Claims & provide the value for scope. Click HERE for more info.Navigate to the System oAuth ->Application registries & create a new oAuth ProfileEnter the ClientID & Client Secret which you have got from DocuSign Integrator appProvide the Auth URL as follows the Token URL as follows the Default Grant Type as JWT BearerNow, Save the record Create the oAuth Entity Scope (Add your necessary scopes here) Part 4: Obtaining Consent as Individual Navigate to the System oAuth ->Application registries -> DocuSign oAuth & Create a new oAuth entity profile with Grant Type as Authorization Code under the oAuth entity profile related list Add the necessary scopes for this oAuth Profile as well.Navigate to the Connection & Credentials -> Credentials & Create new Credentials of type oAuth 2.0Select the oAuth Entity Profile created with Grant type as Authorization CodeNow, Click on Get OAuth Token Link & enter your DocuSign Username & Password to provide the consentNow, Again Create a new credentials of type oAuth 2.0 & select the entity profile of type JWT BearerClick on Get OAuth Link & You can see that oAuth Flow is completed successfully message. Part 5: Obtaining Consent as Organization Admin In case of Obtaining Organization Admin Consent for an application owned by your organization, please see the below link Part 6: Create Credential records for the DocuSign Spoke as mentioned in the documentation HERECreate Connection records for the DocuSign Spoke as mentioned in the documentation HEREConfigure DocuSign Webhook as mentioned in the documentation HERE