Unable to export to XML for non-admin users such as ITILIssue Export to XML from the incident context menu is not available for itil users after upgrading to New York. Only admins could see the option. Cause<g2:evaluate var="jvar_context_menu_export_xml" expression="gs.hasRightsTo('ui/context_menu.export_xml/read', null) && ${ref}.canRead()" />ResolutionThe "Export to XML" feature is coming from the UI macro"context_form_header" https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_ui_macro.do?sys_id=2ff1c56ca9fe3dba014340c4697b5088 To workaround this, comment out this part of the jelly code on line with jvar_context_menu_export_xml highlighted below: And instead, add this new line to allow for example "itil" user role to have access to the "Export to xml" <g2:evaluate var="jvar_context_menu_export_xml" expression="gs.hasRole('itil')" /> After previous change, the option will be available for any other role you specify in the expression that in the example above is itil.