How to use the Create User Action for the Azure AD SpokeSummaryIn this article we will demonstrate the step by step procedure on how to use the Create User Action for the Azure AD Spoke.Instructions 1. First of all, make sure that you have followed all the Steps in the knowledge article to setup spoke How To Set Up Microsoft Azure AD Spoke. 2. On your ServiceNow instance navigate to Flow Designer > Designer > Flows > New > provide a name for the flow Eg: Test Azure AD 3.Select a trigger for the flow Eg: When an user is created in the sys_user table Before going to create user action, we need to create a table for password to send in the Action. 4. Create a Table for password. Go to System Definition ->Tables->New -> Type : Password(2 Way Encrypted). Refer below screen 5. Create a Look Up Action on above created table. Once it is created , input variables available to use in the next action, Check the "pass" highlighed below screen. 6. Add the create user action 7. Fill in the necessary details. 8. Activate the flow. 9. Go to sys_user table and create a New User and submit the record. 10. Check the flow execution to see if it completed successfully 11. Go to your Microsoft Azure AD server and check if the user is created. 12. You can use the several actions under the Microsoft AD spoke the same way.