Relationship not loading on computer CI recordsIssue Issue:- Users can not see the CI-relationships for the computers CI records and the window just sits there and says loading and loading. As checked New relationship config page is not working for this whereas the Legacy relationship is working as expected. Screenshots from Customer Instance as an example:- Screenshot:-1 Screenshot:-2 Screenshot:-3 CauseOn instances that do not meet the internet browser requirements for the latest CI relations formatter, the default CI form includes the legacy CI relations formatter instead. glide.ecmdb.hide_relationships: Hides or shows relationships in the CI relations formatter, but continues to provide access to the relationship builder, the BSM Map, and the Show Levels controls in the toolbar. This property defaults to false (show).ResolutionAs a solution, we need to add one glide property in the instance sys_propertis.list, and post adding the the same CI's should start working for New CI relations as well and not loading the form anymore. This has been tested in customer DEV instance we could see after adding this property it started working for them with both relationships formatter. Fix: Need to add glide Property in sys properties tsable.Name: glide.ecmdb.hide_relationshipsValue: False.