Major Incident Post Incident Report tab not appearing on Major Incident WorkbenchIssue Major Incident, Post Incident Report tabs not appearing on Major Incident Workbench.ReleaseAll releasesCauseOn Form view, the form section for PIR was not available. "Show Post Incident Report Section when state is resolved or closed and major incident state is accepted" out-of-box (OOB) UI policy which controls visibility of form section. Now on Workbench, backtracked the logic for the PIR tab on workbench and found the logic responsible to control this behavior. - In OOB instances,UI page "view_post_incident_report": / 51 in HTML sections calls OOB Script Include,MIMWorkbenchUtil : / 61 function "canExportPIR" should return true in order to display the PIR tab on the Workbench. - Debugged the script include by adding a breakpoint and debugged the runtime execution values when issue was reproduced. - This line in the script include should return true but is returning false.return incidentGr.major_incident_state == 'accepted' && (incidentGr.state == incidentStates.CLOSED || incidentGr.state == incidentStates.RESOLVED) && gs.hasRole('itil,sn_incident_write');- The following is causing the issue:incidentGr i.e Incident record has different value for state than OOB (as it is customized)incidentStates.RESOLVED (value is 7)or incidentStates.CLOSED (value is 6) - As the condition is not satisfied, the PIR section is not visible on the Workbench. Resolution- Visit the [sys_dictionary] entries for state and incident state.- Once state is set to 6 or 7, then it will show the PIR section.- Modify the value of [sys_dictionary] fields so that it matches OOB and keep incident_state and state field in sync to avoid issues.