Dashboard owner/admins are not able to delete a tab .Error "Unable to delete tab"Issue Will receive an error message 'Unable to delete tab' when the dashboard owner/admin tries to delete a tab on a dashboard that he owns.CauseOOB delete ACL on pa_dashboards table.ResolutionPlease take this URL of the delete ACL on pa_dashboards table. /nav_to.do?uri=%2Fsys_security_acl.do%3Fsys_id%3Dbbb1b5c0bf201100b96dac808c07395dAccording to this ACL the user should have any of these below rolesdashboard_admin pa_admin pa_power_userPlease assign any of these roles to user and it will resolve the issue. The reason why admins are not able to delete tab is because here in the above ACL admin overrides has been not checked from OOB.