List V3 - Users cannot clear Date/Time [glide_date_time] or Date [glide_date] fields' values from list view cell editDescriptionDate/Time and Date fields do not update when clearing the value via cell edit. When user attempts to clear the value by way of cell-edit / double-clicking the cell, the old value is still present after clicking 'save'.Steps to Reproduce 1. Login an instance with List V3 plugin activated (now deprecated).2. Navigate to a table with affected field(s) (ex: cmdb_ci_appl.list).3. Personalize [cmdb_ci_appl] list to add the Ordered and Purchased fields.4. Note 'Ordered' is a glide_date_time. Note 'Purchased' is a 'glide_date'.5. Cell edit the 'Purchased' value of a row. Notice you can use the Date Picker to select different values.6. Cell edit the 'Purchased' value of the same row now that there is a value. Try to clear the current value and click save. Notice a date value remains in the cell, it is not removed and saved.7. Cell edit the 'Ordered' value of a row. Notice you can not cell edit this field type, the value never accepts your input.WorkaroundThis behaviour is by design. List v3 is now deprecated and no longer supported.Related Problem: PRB1238947