In portal page (ITSP) SSO users asking to enter user detail for authentication after they exit browser after logging into the instanceDescriptionAfter login into the instance portal page(ITSP) using the SSO close the browser and re-open, try to enter the portal URL again, it will again request to enter user details.Release or EnvironmentParisCauseIn the case of Portal Pages, we are not verifying the "glide_sso_id" hence it is asking to enter the user details for authenticationResolutionNeed to update the script to fetch the glide_sso_id from the browser if the user already logged and they have a cookie persist. Go to the Login Page Widget and under Server Script Section, please append below code script: if (GlideTransaction && GlideCookieMan) { var request = GlideTransaction.get().getRequest(); var cookie = GlideCookieMan; var cookies = request.getCookies(); data.ssoid = cookie.getCookieValue(cookies, 'glide_sso_id'); } // above script should be added before the following statement: if (input && input.action === "multi_factor_auth_setup") { * Under "Client Controller" Section script added (added at line 6): = ? :; // this line of code added // above line of script should be added before the following statement: if (! && && { * These are the script changes needs to apply in login widget.Additional InformationSteps To Reproduce : *Open the URL: https://<instance> *enter the email id ->It will redirect to IDP page *enter the IDP credentials then it will redirect to ITSP page *Close the browser *Open the browser again enter the URL ->https://<instance> It's asking to enter email id again Expected is: enters the URL in the browser, it should open the ITSP page directly. After the code changes mentioned above, it will directly login to the instance.