Images/Icons not displaying for specific Idea states in stage fieldIssue The Stage field (decoration field) was used in the idea table up until Madrid and was removed/deprecated beginning in our New York release family. When the stage field was still used, the dmn_stage_config table existed to pair state choices with PNG icons. If you have been using the Stage field past the Madrid family, you will see missing icons whenever new Idea State choices are introduced (OOB or custom). ReleaseNew York+CauseIcons are missing as the Stage field for idea has been removed from the system in New York. This means that any system-new or custom choice added will not have a dmn_stage_config record/ icon associated with it. In order to pair newly added State choices with stage icons, new dmn_stage_config records must be created. To do this, you must first: Determine the choice values of icon-less State choices. Example: Need Review (-1), Need more information (-2), In Development (5)Determine the icon you wish to pair: Pending: (images/demand/pending.png)InProgress: (images/demand/inprogress.png)Skipped: (images/demand/skipped.png)Finished: (images/demand/finished.png) ResolutionNavigate to dmn_stage_config.listSelect and open a config record that matches the icon you wish to use (image name) from the Idea tableUpdate the Field Value to a value that matches one of your icon-less State choices for Idea For example, if you are adding 'Need more information', you would add update Field Value to -2 Right-click the grey header and select Insert and Stay (above) After pairing a dmn_stage_config of Need more information (-2) to the /inprogress.png icon