Some translations come out wrong in choice lists on formsIssue You may have set the language of your instance to a language different to English. You may find sometimes some wrong translation which can be confusing. For example, suppose you set the instance to French, and open the REST API explorer, create a POST query and select the change_request table. If you decide to add a field in the generator tab, and search for "Type", which should be the translation of "Type", you may not find it. In the same search you will however find "Tapez". This is obviously (for French speakers) incorrect and it needs to be corrected.ResolutionServiceNow stores translation information in these tables.• Languages [sys_language]• Translated Name / Field [sys_translated]• Message [sys_ui_message]• Field label [sys_documentation]• Choice [sys_choice]• Translated Text [sys_translated_text]• The issue in this example is limited to the Table of Message [i.e. sys_ui_message], so go the table by entering “sys_ui_message.list” in the Navigator, and check whether it has right mapping between “Key” and “Message” value in the table of “sys_ui_message”, or you can update Message value as you needed.