In Service Portal, switching to a different language will display both English and translated version of knowledge articleDescriptionIn Service Portal, switching to a different language will display both English and translated version of knowledge article.Steps to Reproduce Activate Japanese language plugin, or any other language.1. Create a knowledge article in English.2. Create a translated knowledge article in Japanese.3. From Navigation menu, Knowledge > All , open the article which is created in step1.4. Create a translated version of the knowledge article from step 1 pas per product documentation 5. Add language switch widget to "kb_category" page.6. Navigate to service portal.7. Open kb_category page. (refer to screen shot "Service_portal")8. switch the language to "Japanese"9. Both of the translated knowledge article and English knowledge article will show up.Expected behaviour: Only the translated version of the knowledge article should display Platform1. From Navigation menu, move to Self Service > Knowledge2. Open kb category.(refer to screen shot "Translated_version_kb" and "English_kb")3. switch the language to "Japanese"4. Only the translation version will show up.(English article will not show up) only English version is shown up only Japanese version is shown up WorkaroundThis problem has been identified as a future possible product enhancement. You can subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.Related Problem: PRB1353731