On Insert/Update notification not triggered by condition when synching comments from SC_TASK to RITMIssue A business rule has been setup to sync additional comments from SC_TASK to RITM levelHowever, the Requested item notification does not trigger and get send as expected, when commenting on an SC_TASKCommenting directly on the RITM triggers the notification as expected. Same behaviour is reproducible when there is a comment synchronisation between different records.CauseThe notification is getting evaluated before the RITM gets updated . It usually happens due to the "Record Inserted or Updated" event.ResolutionAlways create an event based notification when using business rules, so it will trigger the event and therefore the notification will generate the sys_email. record. It requires three steps: Create an eventCreate an email notification with appropriate details in the subject and body Send to event Creator - checkedSent on trigger of event and add event name that was createdSend to even param 1 and 2 - On the Business Rule, trigger the event (using gs.eventQueue('event name'), current, event param1, event param2)Always test on dev before applying any change on production. For event driven notifications, there are examples in the community such as the next link: Setup email notification using Business rule Related Links'Requested by' itil user does not receive a notification when a work note was added to an sc_ task from a REQ the user submitted