Issues with SN Avatar not being displayed => Communities PluginIssue Though the users have uploaded live profile pictures, in parts of the community plugin the avatar is not displayed and instead only their Initials are being called.Cause1.The sn_communities_profile record for the affected users did not have an image. 2.user was also having role "sn_hr_core.hrsm_employee", hence , Persona "HRSM Employee" is applicable.Photo for "HRSM Employee" persona comes from which was not populated for the affected user.Resolution1. Open the records for respective and check if picture is there, if not , upload and save 2. Upload the same image in sys_user photo field of the affected user as the image in live profile.For user's not having "sn_hr_core.hrsm_employee" role, default persona will be applicable and community will be applicable.