Configure Notify with Twilio Direct DriverSummaryThe following are the steps to configure the notify on the instance with Twilio Direct Driver. Prerequisite: Twilio account with a phone number with voice capabilities. Twilio ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN ReleaseAll the releases. InstructionsFor the conference call the instance should be configured to use a telephone service to initiate the conference call. First of all, we will require the below from your Twilio account. Twilio ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN Verification needed on the Twilio's end. You have an Active number on your Twilio account which ic voice capable. From your twilio dashboard on the project which you have created for snow make a note of Account SID and Auth Token, we will need these in the later setup stage. On the instance Download the following two Plugins. Id: com.snc.notifyId: com.snc.notify.twilio_direct On the instance: From filter navigator, look for Twilio Direct Configuration under application Notify. Feed-in the Account SID and Auth token which we copied from Twilio in the above steps and Save. * Click on Test callback. * Verify that the From address is the number which was configured on Twilio. * Enter the number you would like to call to and click on Initiate Test Call. * Verify that you get the success status of the call. You have successfully configured Notify with Twilio Direct DriverRelated LinksPlease refer the below article for more information on the same: