Oracle Option data not populated due to time out in step = run options_packs_usage_statistics.sqlIssue When running discovery on a server hosting Oracle Instance, Oracle DB On Windows/Unix pattern will be triggered. The extension section of this pattern contain logic to collect Oracle Option data. This data is stored in samp_oracle_options. For more detailed information, please refer to documentation page here.However, this data might not be populated if there is a problem while executing step "run options_packs_usage_statistics.sql".The error message in the pattern log: run options_packs_usage_statistics.sqltimestamp: Executing SSH command: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=XX; export TNS_ADMIN=XX;export ORACLE_HOME=XX;"bin/sqlplus" -s credential @/tmp/sntmp_servinow/options_packs_usage_statistics.sqltimestamp: Sending CTRL-C to abort commandtimestamp: Timeout on SSH command to host IP_Address. command: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=XX; export TNS_ADMIN=XX;export ORACLE_HOME=XX;"bin/sqlplus" -s credential @/tmp/sntmp_servinow/options_packs_usage_statistics.sqlReleaseAnyCauseThe connection string used in the command might not work on some environments. The current logic is using this build-up: "/bin/sqlplus\" -s " "$$username$$/'$$password$$'@" get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"} ":" get_attr {"tcp_port"} "/"get_attr {"sid"} Instead, they need to use the following build-up: "/bin/sqlplus\" -s " "$$username$$/'$$password$$'@"get_attr {"sid"}ResolutionInside Shared Library pattern "Oracle option extension for unix", you need to modify the following section.From: step {name = "run options_packs_usage_statistics.sql"comment = "Run sql query in order to find the edition."if {condition = eq {get_attr {"computer_system.osFamily"}"UNIX"}on_true = runcmd_to_var {cmd = concat {"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}"/lib:/lib:/usr/lib;cd ~/"get_attr {"sid"}"_"get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"}"; export TNS_ADMIN="get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}"/network/admin;export ORACLE_HOME="get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}";\""get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}"/bin/sqlplus\" -s ""$$username$$/'$$password$$'@"get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"}":"get_attr {"tcp_port"}"/"get_attr {"sid"}" @"get_attr {"oraStatisticsScript"}}credentials = credentials {ciTypeId = "cmdb_ci_db_ora_instance"}var_names = "dummy"parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "^PRODUCT USAGE.*"}if_not_found_do = nop {}cache_flag = 0}on_false = nop {}}} To: step {name = "run options_packs_usage_statistics.sql"comment = "Run sql query in order to find the edition."if {condition = eq {get_attr {"computer_system.osFamily"}"UNIX"}on_true = runcmd_to_var {cmd = concat {"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}"/lib:/lib:/usr/lib;cd ~/"get_attr {"sid"}"_"get_attr {"computer_system.primaryHostname"}"; export TNS_ADMIN="get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}"/network/admin;export ORACLE_HOME="get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}";\""get_attr {"ora_home_exe"}"/bin/sqlplus\" -s ""$$username$$/'$$password$$'@"get_attr {"sid"}" @"get_attr {"oraStatisticsScript"}}credentials = credentials {ciTypeId = "cmdb_ci_db_ora_instance"}var_names = "dummy"parsing_strategy = regex_parsing {regex = "^PRODUCT USAGE.*"}if_not_found_do = nop {}cache_flag = 0}on_false = nop {}}}