How to redirect all mobile users to the service portalDescriptionThis article describes steps you can take to redirect all mobile users to the service portal, regardless of their roles. Please note that this does not apply to the mobile applications. This is useful only for mobile web browsers.Release or EnvironmentMobile web browsersInstructionsIn the filter navigator, type: sys_properties.list and press EnterFind the property: and set the value to: new SPEntryPage().getLoginURL(), save your changesGo back to the sys_properties list, if the property does not exist, click the New button create a new property. Otherwise skip to step 5.For the property name, enter: the value, enter: new SPEntryPage().getFirstPageURL() and save the record Navigate to System Definition > Script Includes and open the SPEntryPage recordIn the script section, find the line that begins: if (user.hasRoles() && !redirectURL && !isServicePortalURL)Edit this line to: if (user.hasRoles() && !redirectURL && !isServicePortalURL && !gs.isMobile())Next, find the line: if (!redirectURL) {Edit this line to: if (!redirectURL && !gs.isMobile()) {Save the record The image below shows the property settings The following image highlights the script changes in SPEntryPage Additional InformationUsers will now be redirected to the service portal when accessing the instance from a mobile web browser, regardless of their roles. Please note that applying these changes will always bring users to the service portal login page.