<h2>MID Server Cluster for ITOM Event Management Connector Instances</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"><article><div ><h3 >Issue </h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>Does ITOM Event Management support MID Server clustering for Connector instances to pull the events from event sources ?<br /><br /></li><li>If yes, what is the recommended cluster type(Fail-over, Load Balancing, Distributed) to be selected while configuring the same ?<br /><br /></li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Release</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>All</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Resolution</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>Mid Server Cluster mechanism allows grouping of two or more MID Servers and use the name of the cluster in the configuration.<br /><br /></li><li>So logically for connectors, we don't support cluster for MID Connector OOB.<br /><br /></li><li>The system allows you to add multiple individual MID servers under the connectors.<br /><br /></li><li>So, if one MID is down, it then will go for the second one. MID Servers are sorted according to the order that their details were entered into the MID Server for Connectors section. This can be considered as a "Failover" mechanism.<br /><br /></li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Related Links</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>Please refer the below Product Documentation for more details on how to "Configure a Default MID Server for Connectors".<br /><br /><a href="https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_EMSetDefaultConnector.html&version=latest" rel="nofollow">https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_EMSetDefaultConnector.html&version=latest</a><br /></li></ul></section></div></article></div>