Incorrect SLA breach, sla stage is on pause but got breachedIssue The SLA state is in Pause state, but the SLA is breached which should not happenCauseThe logs concerning the schedule are very important. We see below error in logsThe following line suggests that there is something up with the schedule because no time was found in it:***2020-06-15 18:59:05 (860) Default-thread-15 E1D0DF2F1BD1D09006AE42EBDC4BCB6D txid=409ef7671b51 WARNING *** WARNING *** Adding 6 Hours to 16-06-2020 11:59:05 using schedule 24x7 Including PH ran too long without hitting schedule times - using simple date addition***This statement is due to the SLA calculation that is being performed by the associated Task SLA workflow's SLA Timer activity.Generally, this means that there is something wrong with the domain configuration or that the record they require (schedule) is inaccessible.When we login with the user who has initiated the transaction, i.e update the record meeting the pause condition, the user is not having access to the schedule entries and below is the message When you navigate to the associated schedule, you can see the info message that states there are no schedule entries in the scheduleSo, same domain but scheduled entries are visible for one user and not the other. Also, Schedules work on the basis that the cmn_schedule record has a domain and the cmn_schedule_span records have a domain_parent attribute set to the parent domain, meaning that both records should always be in-sync.This means we can check for any before query business rules on the cmn_schedule_span table which is restricting the access.When it attempts to retrieve the schedule the before query business rule is restricting access and SLA cannot process the SLA correctly.ResolutionAs per above, check for any customizations on cmn_schedule or cmn_schedule_span table which might be restricting access of the schedule to the user