<h2>Vulnerable items with empty Vulnerability field values are not getting attached to the vulnerable group</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"><article><div ><h3 >Issue </h3><section><ul style="list-style-type: square; list-style-position: inside;"><li>Vulnerable items with empty Vulnerability field values are not getting attached to the vulnerable group which is not the expected behaviour.</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Release</h3><section><ul style="list-style-type: square; list-style-position: inside;"><li>New York Patch 7b.</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Cause</h3><section><ul style="list-style-type: square; list-style-position: inside;"><li>There was a custom Business Rule that runs Group Rules had the Condition - Vul and CI both should not be empty.<br /><br /></li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Resolution</h3><section><ul style="list-style-type: square; list-style-position: inside;"><li>Solution is to customize the Business Rule so it does not get skipped or make sure Vulnerability is not empty (Usually Vulnerability in Vulnerability Response is the most important thing so why is Vulnerability Empty? this has to be fixed).<br /><br /></li></ul></section></div></article></div>