[Discovery API] How to utilize DiscoveryAPI scriptable API in REST API Explorer (discoverIpAddress and discoveryStatusSysId etc)SummaryOut-of-the-Box we do have the scriptable API "DiscoveryAPI" but this is not available in REST API explorer as its just scriptable API. This KB helps you in getting the DiscoveryAPI in your REST API Explorer.ReleaseAll ReleasesInstructionsStep #1: Create a scriptable REST API with your desired name. Step #2: Create a resource for each API discoverIpAddress and reportCiIpAddressStatus and related variables as query parameters for the inputs. Step #3: Write the script as given in "DiscoveryAPI" to make a call to the DiscoveryAPI and its methods for scanning IP or getting CI etc. OR 1. The above steps are applied and the update set is attached herein DiscoveryAPI as REST API 2. Download the attached update set and import it to your instance. 3. Now, goto retrieved update sets and commit the update set. 4. Then goto REST API Explorer and look for the API as attached in the screenshot below: Related LinksDiscoveryAPIScriptable REST API