How To: Import ArticlesSummaryThere are 2 ways to import articles: 1. Import Articles module 2. Import Articles button Both cannot be active at the same time. Configure one or the other.InstructionsTo activate Import Articles module: Navigate to Application Menu > Knowledge OR System Definition > Modules. Set Import Articles module to Active = true. To activate Import Articles button: 1. Set glide.knowman.import.hide_import_functionality to false. 2. Set sn_km_portal.glide.knowman.serviceportal.enable_redirect to false. 3. Set up Can Contribute User Criteria for the knowledge base. 4. Deactivate the Import Articles module. Related LinksPlease note that the Import Articles button won't be displayed on the native platform UI under the following conditions: 1. The Import Articles module is active/The Import Articles module is available on the Application Navigator. 2. You cannot contribute to any knowledge base. 3. Property glide.knowman.import.hide_import_functionality is true 4. Property sn_km_portal.glide.knowman.serviceportal.enable_redirect is true. This allows use of the Knowledge Management Service Portal plugin for the view of knowledge articles in the native platform UI.When that property is false, then navigating to Self-Service Knowledge or Knowledge > Homepage opens the $ page which has the Import Articles button.