Update sets imported via the Import Update Set via XML option fails to loadIssue Update sets imported via the Import Update Set via XML option fails to loadReleaseAll ReleasesCauseThe imported file is just the xml of the local update set, i.e. the sys_update_set record and not the remote update set sys_remote_update_set record. This happens when the user exported the xml from the list view of the local update set record or the hamburger icon of the local update set as 'Export XML' on the source instance. Therefore the XML does not have the sys_remote_update_set tag and the other update set record field tags and data in it and therefore not imported into the Retrieved Update Sets module when imported. Resolution1. Go to the local update set record in the source instance. 2. Use the 'Export to XML' Related link URL to generate the remote update set file that can be used to import in the target instance. https://<instancename>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_update_set.do?sys_id=<sys_id_of_local_update_set>