<h2>User Allocations are missing under Software entitlement</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"><article><div ><h3 >Issue </h3><section><p style="padding-left: 40px;">Under Software entitlement, there is no “User Allocation” related tab and it seems like this information is missing.<br />But the same is present for Adobe whose License type = Subscription. </p></section></div><div ><h3 >Release</h3><section><p style="padding-left: 40px;">All Versions.</p></section></div><div ><h3 >Resolution</h3><section><ol style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>For the combination of Metric Group: Subscription and License Metric: User Subscription, user allocation is hidden by default.</li><li>Adobe entitlements have the Metric group as "Adobe" and hence, the user allocations are available.<br /></li><li>Also, if "User Subscriptions' are expected, the missing of user subscription might be because of failed imports for Abode or Office 365</li><li>Verify the correctness of "Profile Configuration" and check system logs for any errors related to imports.</li><li>Import job results can be viewed by following the below link: <p style="padding-left: 80px;"><span style="font-family: 'courier new', courier;">https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/samp_job_log_list.do?sysparm_query=nameLIKEimport%5Ename%3DSAM%20-%20Import%20User%20Subscriptions&sysparm_view=</span></p> 6. Here is the job which imports user subscriptions:</li></ol> <p style="padding-left: 120px;"><span style="font-family: 'courier new', courier;">https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_trigger.do?sys_id=97c1b4721b460010f54042ebbc4bcb7c</span></p></section></div></article></div>