Password Reset reminder email is not being sentDescriptionOn Password reset process record, the Enrollment Reminder is setup to send emails periodically as defined. When the time comes, the email is not sent. Release or EnvironmentAllCauseFirst there are a few things to check. 1) Does the following event in the event registry exists: - "pwd.enrollment_reminder.trigger" - Check here: https://<<instance-name>> 2) Does your email notification exists and is Active=true: - "Password Reset - Enrollment Reminder" - Check here: https://<<instance-name>> 3) Check the following script include are still OOTB and not modified and are Active=true: - "pwdEnrollmentReminder" and "pwdEnrollmentReminderHelper" - Check here: https://<<instance-name>> 4) Check that the scheduled job exists and is Active=true: - Name start with "pwd_enroll_reminder_(sys_id_of_the_password_reset_process_record)" - Check here: https://<<instance-name>> - Open the record if it exists and click "execute now" - On "sysevent.list" table, you should see the event "pwd.enrollment_reminder.trigger" there 5) If it does not exists (Step 4) please see the Password Reset Process for which this enrollment reminder should be sent. - See the "Minimum Verifications" field and also the number of Verifications in the 'verifications' tab - At least one verification type should be Mandatory = true 6) Confirm if the user, or if all users, are already enrolled - If the only verifications associated with the password reset process are auto-enrolled (such as "Personal Data - Enter..."), then all users are automatically enrolled to that notification - If the users are already enrolled, the notification will not be sent 7) Confirm if the users have email addresses - The password reset notification is only sent to users if they have email addresses in the sys_user record - If no email address is present on the user's sys_user record, the notification will not be sentResolutionAfter checking steps 1-4 on the top. 1) Check to see that at least one Verification on the Password Reset Process has Mandatory=true. - If you do not want any mandatory verifications, then you can add an additional verification where it is one of the verifications that starts with "Personal Data - Enter..." - This kind of verification is auto-enrolled 2) If you do not want to do the "Personal Data - Enter..." verification type and do not want to make your selected verifications as Mandatory - Then set the "Minimum Verifications" field to the same number as the number of verifications you are using in the Verifications tab. - However, this will mean that end-user will have to do all the verifications defined here. Additional Information