Report designer information pane items read as multiple list by screen readersDescriptionThe items in the "information" dialog of Report designer are connected list of items but t hey are read as separate list items, on a screen reader. Steps to Reproduce In Report designer, the "information" dialog, although visually delineated list items are conveyed as a connected list of items, on a screen reader they are read as separate list items.Example: <dl class=""..."" ...><dt class=""..."">Table</dt><dd class=""..."">Incident [incident]</dd></dl><dl class=""..."" ...><dt class=""..."">Type</dt><dd class=""..."">Horizontal bar</dd></dl><dl class=""..."" ...><dt class=""..."">Groups</dt><dd class=""..."">Not shared to any group</dd></dl>"WorkaroundThere is no workaround. The screen reader lists the items as they are separate lists.Related Problem: PRB1389445