Error 'Unable to locate u_hr_core_case [sys_id] for inbound email processing' when external user tries to update HR caseIssue This issue occurs when a guest user is trying to update an HR case. The same user may be able to update an incident record.ResolutionUsers with no role cannot see any HR information even on HR cases they created or have HR tasks assigned to them. Scoped roles for both HR case workers and HR clients (employees, contractors, alumni, and others) grant access to HR services. Users without an HR scoped role cannot view HR cases or HR profile information. Only the HR Administrator [sn_hr_core.admin] can assign scoped HR roles. To configure your system, you must log in as a System Administrator [admin]. The HR Administrator [sn_hr_core.admin] role is contained in the System Administrator [admin] role. The combination of these two roles allows a user to perform all tasks associated with configuring your system. After system configuration, ensure that only the HR Administrator [sn_hr_core.admin] role has access to sensitive information. Remove the HR Administrator role from System Administrator [admin] role to prevent the System Administrator from viewing sensitive HR information. After granting access to a role, all the groups or users assigned to the role also have access. Roles can contain other roles, and grants access to any role that contains it. IT System Administrators (admin) and HR scoped users can still impersonate ServiceNow users. When impersonating a user with a scoped HR role, an admin or any HR scoped user cannot access features granted by that role. HR cases and profile information are not accessible. Only users with the scoped HR Administrator [sn_hr_core.admin] can see case details when impersonating other scoped HR users. Also, admin cannot change the password of any user with a scoped HR role.