CMDB Health Dashboard Score Card Explained.SummaryWhen we open a CMDB Dashboard, the first page we see is the scorecard. The scorecard displays a lot of details related to the health of your CMDB. This KB explains how the CMDB Health Dashboard Scorecard is calculated.Let's use the below screenshot as an example. The dashboard contains a total of 4 widgets, which are as below: CMDB Completeness ScorecardCMDB Compliance ScorecardCMDB Correctness Scorecard.CMDB Health Scorecard Overall The overall CMDB health scorecard is the calculation of three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which are correctness, compliance, and completeness. Each KPIs have sub- metrics that are used to determines the aggregated health of CMDB.There are 4 color codes associated with each report that denotes the state of the KPI. Along with the colors, each report represents some percentage value associated with each metric which contributes to the overall percentage of the KPI. Finally, the average of the individual KPI forms the Overall Score of the CMDB Health. The weighted averages for KPIs and metrics can be configured using CMDB Health Preferences.The below screenshot shows the configuration for the Completeness Metric and Overall Score Metric. This means that for completeness KPI, the Recommended metric contributes 40% of total weightage, and Required Metric contributes 60%. For the Overall Score, each KPI contributes ~ 33% weightage.Now let's discuss this logic using the details shown in the first screenshot: Calculation of Completeness Scorecard: So as we can see that out of 16%, we cannot consider the total percentage but we can consider only 60% of it which becomes 9.6 (Approx 10). Thus the final score for completeness KPI becomes 100% - [0% + 10%] = 90%This means that, for Completeness KPI, your CMDB is 90% Healthy and 10% requires attention. the Same Logic applies Correctness Scorecard which is 66% and Compliance Scorecard which is 10%. Calculation of Overall Scorecard: When it comes to Overall Scorecard, we can say that 56% of data present in CMDB is healthy and 44% of data requires attention. Note: For the overall scorecard, we read the dashboard as per result value[56] but for Individual KPI's, data needs to be read in the reverse direction which means that Completeness Scorecard the calculation shows the value as 10 but dashboard displays 90. In any case, if any KPI is not evaluated then no score will be calculated. Below is one such example: