Error in log "FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION"Issue ->Customer can see lot of error messages in logs everyday as below :"FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION" Error seen in sys logs : "FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION glide.24 (connpid=****): INSERT INTO sys_email (`body`,`headers`,`notification_type`,`body_text`,`subject`,`direct`,`sys_updated_on`,`type`,`uid`,`sys_id`,`sys_updated_by`,`content_type`,`receive_type`,`sys_created_on`,`state`,`sys_created_by`,`sys_mod_count`,`weight`,`message_id`,`error_string`,`deleted`,`mailbox`,`user_id`,`recipients`,`user`) VALUES(?,?,'SMTP','****Please scroll down for English version ->Checking the node logs further showed that the issue(errors) is only with 4 changes which are being repeated continuously and are old changes. An email reader job is associated to the emails that are already sent out 2-3 months back. ****************************** 2020-04-27 22:37:31 (450) worker.4 worker.4 txid=***** Starting: Email Ree ader.*********, Trigger Type: Interval, Priority: 25, Upgg rade Safe: true, Repeat: 2 Minutes 2020-04-27 22:37:31 (480) worker.4 worker.4 txid=**** Processing 4 emaill s 2020-04-27 22:37:31 (480) worker.4 worker.4 txid=****** Processing email tt otal: 4, new: 0, deleted: 0, unread: 4 2020-04-27 22:37:31 (796) worker.4 worker.4 txid=f2aa5c04db20 SEVERE *** ERROR ** ** FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION glide.24 (connpid=****): INSERT INTT O sys_email (`body`,`headers`,`notification_type`,`body_text`,`subject`,`direct`` ,`sys_updated_on`,`type`,`uid`,`sys_id`,`sys_updated_by`,`content_type`,`receivee _type`,`sys_created_on`,`state`,`sys_created_by`,`sys_mod_count`,`weight`,`messaa ge_id`,`error_string`,`deleted`,`mailbox`,`user_id`,`recipients`,`user`) VALUES(( ?,?,'SMTP',' Please scroll down for English version 2020-04-27 22:37:31 (881) worker.4 worker.4 txid=****** WARNING *** WARNINN G *** Message UID='********' Message-ID='<*************@********.********>' - com.glide.notification.inbound.EmailInsertExcepp tion: error inserting email: Error during insert of sys_email (Der Change CHG000 ******* ) : error inserting email: Errorr during insert of sys_email (Der Change CHG00***** ist ******) 2020-04-27 22:37:31 (884) worker.4 worker.4 txid=f2aa5c04db20 Processed 0 emails 2020-04-27 22:37:31 (886) worker.4 worker.4 txid=f2aa5c04db20 Completed: Email RR ReleaseNACauseIn the notification configuration related to the email , "X" field(custom field) is added as recipients.For all the change requests which are in the error logs, instance email ID - '' is added in 'X'.Resolution->Instance email ID has to removed from the 'X' custom field to resolve the issue. Also,the solution to stop the error logs : 1) Deleted the existing outbound emails, so the 4 emails are processed and inserted as inbound emails - easy but not recommended2) Deleting emails from POP3 serverRelated LinksNA