How to change the header/title that is displayed in the Virtual Agent chat window when an agent accepts the chat Issue When an user initiates a chat using Virtual Agent, the OOB header/title in the chat window is: NOW SUPPORT Or, if the user customized this header, then it will display the one typed in the Chat Header field in the sys_cs_branding_setup table at:/ But, if the user chooses to Contact Live Agent, the header of the chat window will display AGENT (in Orlando) or LIVE AGENT (in New York). How to change that header. ResolutionThis is an UI message and can be changed from the sys_ui_message table as follow:1. Go to System UI >> Messages 2. Search by key=Agent 3. Edit the record where Language is English, the record should be:/ Type the title/header you would like to display in the message field. In the chat window, the header will look like this: