How to test mobile push application using a out of box push notificationSummaryHere is a break down on how to test push on our mobile application Ensure the following plugins are already installed on your test instance: Mobile plugin ( Agent Native Client ( mobile (com.sn_itsm_mobile) – Checkbox for demo datasys_push_application – Here we can find the push application records for our apps (Agent, Now, and OnBoarding – install plugin) In this example, we will be triggering the “Incident assigned to me” notification for our Agent application. Download the Servicenow Agent application from the App store and login to the app as the out of box ITIL user. Now that the ITIL user is signed into the application. You can verify that a Notification Device record is created for the ITIL user.Table: cmn_notif_device On your desktop, login as Admin into your instance and navigate to the incident table. Find an incident where the “Assigned to” field is empty and assign it to your ITIL user. Next you can navigate to the sys_push_notification_list table which stores a log of push notification records that are sent out. Next you should see a push notification come through to your mobile device.