Resource Management: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Resource Aggregate Entries for users without pps_resource roleIssue There are Capacity/Availability entries on resource aggregates tables for users not having pps_resource role.CauseThis issue may occur if the aggregates are updated when the user has the pps_resource role and, after that the role is removed. As an example, the following order of events will trigger this behavior: User A belongs to Group One;pps_resource role is added to Group One and, for that reason, User A inherits the role as well;Resource manager runs the "Update Aggregates" UI action ont he Group One - this will create capacity and availaibilty entries for all users in the group as they have the resource role;pps_resource role is removed from the group (and from the users);Altough users no longer have the role, the capacity and availability aggregate entries will remain; ResolutionThis is the Out-Of-Box expected behavior. There is no mechanism to remove or set to zero the aggregate entries when the pps_resource role is removed from a user or group.