Knowledge Base: "Set default knowledge field values" not working when "glide.ui.escape_text" is set to falseDescriptionWhen creating an article to a Knowledge Base that has default field values , default values are not populated.Instead, the following error message is displayed:"The element type "br" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</br>"."Steps to Reproduce 1. Make sure system property glide.ui.escape_text is set to false.2. Select any knowledge base and set default values.3. Create a new knowledge article and populate same knowledge base.4.Apply Default Values popup shows: The element type "br" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</br>".WorkaroundAs a workaround, you can set this property to true (dont forget to clear instance cache after that).More information on this property :"glide.ui.escape_text" should be set to true always as it protects against XSS vulnerabilities.More about this property can be read in the following documentation : Related Problem: PRB1405279