[Studio/Source Control] "The operation encountered an unexpected error. Check the node log file" is thrown when trying to commit a new version of any Scoped Application to a Git Repository [Self-hosted]Issue This issue does not occur frequently and usually manifests itself when using a Git Repository for your Source Control that you are self-hosting. You have been able to commit your previous development changes, but suddenly it is no longer able to commit a new version for any Scoped Application that uses the configured Git Repository that worked without issues before. 1. Open Studio2. Choose any custom Scoped Application3. Click File > Publish4. Type the next number in the Version field5. Click on the Submit button Eventually it returns the following message to the user - When checking the localhost log file, it shows the following error - The operation encountered an unexpected error. Check the node log file: com.glide.sourcecontrol.SourceControlException: org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException https://<self-hosted-gitserver.domain.net/gitlab/xxx_appl_scoped/scoped_application_name.git: 500 Internal Server Error com.glide.sourcecontrol.git.GitRepository.fetch(GitRepostiory.java:515)CauseThe 500 Internal Server Error is returned by the Server hosting the Git Repository when trying to fetch the Git repository details for your Scoped Application and so Studio is unable to commit any new development changes as a new version to your Git Repository.ResolutionTo resolve the 500 Internal Server Error, you will need to restart the Server hosting the Git Repository. Once the server has been restarted, you should be able to commit new versions of your Scoped Applications via Studio without any errors.Related LinksKB0803576: Source control integration [Orlando] KB0803578: Link an application to source control [Orlando]