Domain path is incorrect in sys_update_xml record for Module when updating (creating)DescriptionDomain path is incorrect in sys_update_xml record for Module when updating (creating)Steps to Reproduce Activate the Domain Separation Plugin1. OOB NewYork (P9) / Orlando (P4) Instance2. Change the domain to TOP/ACME3. Go to Navigation Pane and select "Local update set" 4. Click on "New"5. Add Name "Test_updateset" and Click on "Submit and Make Current".6. Go to "Active Subscriptions" > "Modules"7. Click on "New" 8. Add the name in "Test_Issue" and Click on "Submit"7. Go to the "Modules" List View and add the "Domain Path" column in the list 8. Go to update set "Test_updateset" 9. Go to "Related List" and click on "Customer Updates" tab10. Open the "Test_Issue" type "Module" You can see that domain is "ACME" but the domain path in the payload is showing <sys_domain_path/> in the payload.<sys_domain>c90d4b084a362312013398f051272c0d</sys_domain><sys_domain_path/>11. Go to the "Modules" List View In the "test issue" entry, change the Domain from "ACME" to "Global"12. Go to update set "Test_updateset" 13. Go to "Related List" and click on "Customer Updates" tab14. Open the "Test_Issue" type "Module" You can see that we have changed the domain to "global" but the sys_domain_path in the payload is showing the "domain path" of ACME Domain.<sys_domain>global</sys_domain><sys_domain_path>!!!/!!$/</sys_domain_path>Expected behavior: Domain name and path should be correct in the payload in update_set.Actual behavior: Domain path is not correct in the update set.When the domain is changed to global, the domain path in the payload XML is changing to the previous state.I have attached the screen recording of the steps to reproduce for your reference.WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1410831