Ansible Tower 3.6.0 and 3.7.0 discovery fail to execute API - Failed with status code and message: 500DescriptionAnsible Tower 3.6.0 or 3.7.0 Discovery fail with the following error message: "Failed to execute API - Failed with status code and message: 500: Failed with status code and message: 404: {"detail":"The requested resource could not be found."} (ad_hoc:ansible-tower-1.0-Discover; line 63)"Release or EnvironmentJakarta and newer with Cloud Provisioning and Governance Plugin activated. CauseThis issue is related to the deprecation of Ansible's API version v1 starting from Ansible Tower Version 3.6.0 and newer. ResolutionChange 'mid.cmp.ansible.api_version' MID Server Property 'ecc_agent_property' record to from v1 to v2