Discovery Pattern steps running Find command to Windows target can cause high CPU usage and long runnning processes on the target serverIssue Discovery Pattern steps running Find to Windows target can cause high CPU usage and long running processes on the target server. For example below step in the JBoss pattern where find is used to go through all log files of the JBoss server to find the version number: step { name = "set version - windows"... on_true = runcmd_to_var { cmd = concat { "find " "\"" "Boss (MX MicroKernel)" "\"" " " "\"" get_attr {"home_dir"} "\\log\\server*.log*" "\"" }... Note: 1> This issue includes Patterns using scanDirectoriesForPattern function (which calls find.exe - fixed in PRB1411036), and also Patterns that call find.exe directly in the pattern steps. 2> The issues only apply to Patterns that run towards Windows targets. We have not seen any issues with the Find command being executed on Unix/Linux targets. 3> There are also many patterns using a similar "findstr" command in steps, although these tend not to cause so much of a problem unless used in combination with a find command.CausePRB1366042 Windows application discovery: find.exe command hangs on false path with wildcards - causing too many timeouts and failing the pattern. Paris Fix for Oracle iAS Web Module, Tomcat war, JDBC Connection.PRB1410849 JBoss pattern running Find can cause high CPU and stuck processes on the server being scannedPRB1402393 / KB0827975 Discovery is consuming high CPU on target Windows Servers, due to PostgreSQL pattern running find.exePRB1371966 [WMI Collector] Process, that we run using executeCommand, that are timed out are not being killed on the target hostPRB1411036 The utilisation of scanDirectoriesForPattern in Pattern has issues regarding the "find" command, causing CPU performance issues on the targeted machinePRB1411177 Use of "find" command in patterns can cause high CPU and stuck processes on the server being scannedResolution(Note Some patterns don't have find command in the pattern text, however they do use the Libraries in the table below. These patterns are not included here, and they will be fixed after the Libraries are fixed) PRB Pattern / Pattern Library name Plan PRB1411036 DB2 Jdbc Connection NP10, OP5 Enterprise Message Service NP10, OP5 J2EE EAR On Linux NP10, OP5 J2EE EAR On Windows NP10, OP5 MSSQL Jdbc Connection NP10, OP5 MySQL Jdbc Connection NP10, OP5 Oracle iAS NP10, OP5 Oracle iAS Web Module NP10, OP5 Oracle Jdbc Connection NP10, OP5 Postgres JDBC Connection NP10, OP5 Sybase Jdbc Connection NP10, OP5 Tomcat WAR - Get Database connection info NP10, OP5 PRB1436410 Jboss TBC PRB1366042 Oracle iAS Web Module OP6 Jdbc Connection OP6 PRB1402393 PostgreSQL DB OP6 PRB1411177 DB2 On Windows OP7 GlassFish Server OP7 SSIS Job OP7 Tuxedo OP7 Exchange TCP Identification no powershell OP7 Broker OP7 Documentum DocBase OP7 Tomcat War OP7 Discoverer Engine OP7 Forms UI OP7 Report Server OP7 Concurrent Server OP7 OACORE Server OP7 Metric client OP7 HTTP Server OP7 OAFM Server OP7 Forms Engine OP7 Process Manager OP7 Metric Server OP7 Discoverer UI OP7 Tnslsnr Engine OP7 Related LinksThis KB is a parent KB. KB0829785 is a child KB for PRB1411177.