Clicking on preview (i icon) on a reference field does not open the preview for French LanguageIssue For Users with French language preference, the reference icon is not loading the preview of a reference field on a form. It is working fine when the language is English. Also, clicking on the (i) icon for the first time shows this error message on the browser console: 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier'CauseThis is happening due to a sys_ui_message record has an apostrophe in the translation, which is breaking the syntactical integrity of the message. Please refer the attached screenshot, where the extra single quote symbol for n'a has broken the syntax. This extra apostrophe symbol is escaping the full message as the initial single quote and the apostrophe for n'a is closing the actual message, hence the last part of the apostrophe is getting considered as invalid syntax. It again starts at l'analyse and ends with the actual closing single quote. So in between the letters "a pas réussi l " is making unknown syntax. Hence it failing to load the popup. ResolutionOne way is to modify the message, however, considering that this is the language grammar, it is not possible to change it, or the customer might not be willing to change. The customer can use the workaround for this issue by setting "glide.ui.escape_all_script" property to "true" and then it should work for you. Property: glide.ui.escape_all_script As per the documentation and the recommendation from the security point of view, it is recommended to set the property true, see General security settings properties