While MID server is being upgraded, ThreadPoolExecutor's pause() throws a NPE exception if the worker's source parameter is null or not present and the MID server got stuck in the UPGRADING state.DescriptionWhile MID server is being upgraded, ThreadPoolExecutor's pause() throws a NPE exception if the worker's source parameter is null or not present and the MID server got stuck in the UPGRADING state.Steps to Reproduce When issue happens:> MID Server is stuck in "Upgrading" status on the instance.> MID Server Windows Service is running on the host> In agentlog, below error shows:05/28/20 02:11:31 (150) AutoUpgrade.3600 Setting mid status to Upgrading05/28/20 02:11:31 (150) AutoUpgrade.3600 Instance.updateAgentRecordState(), OperationalState=UPGRADING05/28/20 02:11:31 (197) AutoUpgrade.3600 Pausing monitor: StatusMonitor 05/28/20 02:11:31 (228) AutoUpgrade.3600 SEVERE *** ERROR *** java.lang.NullPointerException<=================java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat java.lang.String.contains(String.java:2133)at com.service_now.mid.queue_worker.SystemCommand.shouldExecuteOnPause(SystemCommand.java:743)at com.service_now.monitor.PriorityThreadPoolProvider$PriorityThreadPoolExecutor.pause(PriorityThreadPoolProvider.java:246)then repeated line:05/28/20 03:11:30 (320) AutoUpgrade.3600 AutoUpgrade.run(), MID server Operational State=UPGRADINGWorkaroundRestart MID server windows service should resolve the issue. Related Problem: PRB1409216