The auto number is not working on a load of the incident/task related tablesDescriptionThe auto number is not working on a load of the incident/task-related tablesRelease or EnvironmentAll VersionsCauseThe sys_property "glide.itil.assign.number.on.insert" is set to "true" on the instance. https://<instance_name> the property "glide.itil.assign.number.on.insert" to falseAfter setting the property to false, Do on the instanceAdditional InformationThe sys_dictionary field number on the task table has the dynamic value "Get Next Padded Number" which refers to the function "getNextObjNumberPadded()"Now, this function has been defined in the BR "getNextObjNumberPadded" - https://<instance_name> is querying "NumberManager" script include - https://<instance_name>