Dot Walked fields are not showing value on the List layout but visible on FormIssue In a table's form view, a reference field and few dot-walked fields are added, and the values of those are visible on the form. However, when the same fields are added in the list layout, then the values are not shownCauseThis was happening due to any contextual ACLs that are present on the table. In this ACL there might be a condition been checked for a field which is not available on the list layout. Now when the ACL is evaluating from a Form view of the table's record, then the system easily dotwalks to the field which is present on the condition of the ACL. But this does not happen on the list. In a list, when the system is evaluating an ACL on a dot walked field present in a condition, that field needs to be on the list layout as well. Else system will fail the ACL.This can be confirmed by verifying the Debug Security logs.ResolutionAdd the field that is used in evaluating the condition of the ACL, in the list layout.Related LinksACL debugging tools