Generate a Self-Sign certificate for MS365 calendar integration in Emergency Exposure applicationIssue Detail steps to generate an SSL certificate for Step-3 mentioned in the below document: Configure Emergency Exposure Management: Generate the Java keystore // keytool -genkeypair -alias servicenow -keyalg rsa -keystore servicenow.jks -storetype jks -storepass <password> -keysize 20482) Extract the public key from the keystore // keytool -export -alias servicenow -keystore servicenow.jks -file servicenow.pem3) Convert the public key from der to pem // openssl x509 -in servicenow.pem -inform der -outform pem -out servicenowx509.pem4) Convert the public key to cer format5) Upload the public key to our app registration in Azure6) Create a certificate record in ServiceNow (Type = Java KeyStore, KeyStore password = <password>, attach servicenow.jks>7) Emergency Exposure Management properties: Private key = <password>Related LinksAdd a TLS/SSL certificate in Azure App Service: