RITM list using filter conditions cannot be exported to an excel fileDescriptionIn the RITM list view when filter condition is set to 'Request.Requested for.City = London and Request.Created on = Last month', this list cannot be exported to an excel file.CauseFollowing error message is observed in the node log09:35:40.538 Info glide.background.generation.a024d90cdbdd5090fddf7d84e2961958 SYSTEM txid=6424dd0cdbdd *** Start sc_req_item.xlsx: request.requested_for.cityLIKELondon^request.sys_created_onONLast month@javascript:gs.beginningOfLastMonth()@javascript:gs.endOfLastMonth() 09:35:41.193 Warning glide.background.generation.a024d90cdbdd5090fddf7d84e2961958 SYSTEM txid=6424dd0cdbdd WARNING *** WARNING *** Activity ID: bf3a9eeedbbe5f807f1e9cc9db961948 not found in workflow version: 3b3a9eeedbbe5f807f1e9cc9db96194309:35:41.193 Error glide.background.generation.a024d90cdbdd5090fddf7d84e2961958 SYSTEM txid=6424dd0cdbdd SEVERE *** ERROR *** java.lang.NullPointerExceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException The filtered list contains few RITMs that are referencing a workflow which is missing an activity, because of which this list cannot be exported to an excel file. After removing the 'Stage' field from the list view, the issue does not occur.ResolutionTo export the RITM list either you can remove the 'Stage' field from the list view or you can modify its filter conditions to exclude RITM's that references a workflow that has the missing activity.