Postive Lookbehind (RegEx) does not work in flow designerIssue When a string is passed in via the flow action's inputs, and then used with JS Regex Object, it does not work. Observe the following piece of code: var stringToMatch = "asdf\r\nasd\r\nfasd\r\nf\r\nRequested User:Jason Smith (AD\\1122334455884444)\r\nd\r\ndddddd";var pattern1 = "(?<=\Requested User:).*";var regEx1 = new RegExp(pattern1, 'j');var stringfound1 = (regEx1.test(stringToMatch)) ? regEx1.exec(stringToMatch).toString() : '';; if the stringToMatch & pattern1 variables are defined from the flow action's input, and the regex code is inside a script step, the regex will fail to match the pattern and will not return anything STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Create a flow action with two string inputs, once for the string and another for the regex patternIn the action create a script step where the above code is ran to match a pattern and have the script step return the matchTest and add the following as inputs string to search: line 1line 2Requested User:Jason Smith (AD\1122334455884444)jason.smith@test.comline 4 Regex pattern used: (?<=\Requested User:).* 4. Run test5. Observe in the context in the script test, there are no values in the runtime value outputsCause\r in the regex pattern is causing conflict when translated to javaResolutionyou can use the following pattern instead: (?<=Requested User:).*