Guided tour fail in Service Portal due to the choice separated in several elementsDescriptionGuided tour fail in Service Portal due to the choice separated in several elementsSteps to Reproduce 1. Log into a New York OOB instance2. Navigate to Guided tour3. Create a new one for the portal on the index page4. Create an intro ans conclusion5. Put a call out on the text "Knowlegde Base"6. Test the tour7. Click on the Icon next to knowledge base instead.Obesreved: The tour will be abandonned, since we didn't click directly on the text but the icon next to it, this is very confusing for the users. It seems that in this example, Knowledge base is composed of 4 elements, the Icon, the title, the description and the entire container (See attaxhed video for demo).WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.Related Problem: PRB1393850