Scoped applications showing Global ScopeIssue Going to Application Manager and selecting a custom application and switching to the Scope of the application, the scope reverts to Global instead of the Application scope. 1. In the filter navigator, click on "My Company Applications" 2. Select one of the custom applications 3. The application will be in global scope. Click to switch to the scope of the application or do it through the scope picker and select the corresponding scope Notice that the Scope is Global and the update set is Default [Global]ReleaseVerified in New YorkCauseThe user preference for that user has the updateSetForScope linked to the Default UpdateSetResolutionTo resolve the issue you will need to delete the sys_user preference for that scoped application. To do that do the following: 1. 1. In the filter navigator, click on "My Company Applications" and open the application in question and copy the sys_id of this application 2. Go to [your instance] 3. In the filter add the following to the updateSetForScope in front of it so you will have it looking like this: updateSetForScopee8e9d4f21b5ac410130b85d9dc4bcbcf 4. Add a filter for the user who is having the issue 5. Once you have identified the record, export it and then delete the user preference. (note once you switch to this application scope a new preference will be created) 6. Impersonate the user and go to the application in question and switch to that application scope. Notice, the application scope now persists with the correct update set.