Change Approval Policy - Multiple records for policy inputSummaryChange Approval Policy - How can we return multiple rows of conflict in the change approval policy wf activity’s policy input? Since we can only define policy input for conflict as a reference field, the reference field can hold only one conflict value. Is it possible per the existing platform behavior? The short answer to this question is that its a product limitation. But there are multiple ways to get to check whether the change has a blackout conflict or not.1. We can have the Policy Input has [Eg: Blackout_Conflict] and the type either has a True/False OR Integer2. Then we can script the workflow activity of the change approval policy likeanswer = {blackout_conflict: 0};answer.blackout_conflict = func_name()function func_name(){Manipulate the values here [GetRowCount, check for a blackout etc...]}Related LinksRequest to submit an idea to address this limitation in the idea portal