users taken to logout using Multi Provider sso. Test connection is successful and Identity Provider is activeIssue users taken to logout using Multi Provider sso , even if Test connection is successful and Identity Provider is active. Users are taken to value of "Failed Requirement Redirect" URL in the Identity Provider record when they access the instance URLCauselatest MultiSSOv2 plugin is enabled and the correct installation exits is not activated.Resolution1. glide.authenticate.multissov2_feature.enabled = true 2. In the Identity Provider record , Go to Advance Tab --> Single Sign On Script : MultiSSOv2_SAML2_custom 3. Following installation exits and Script include are set to true. Plugin Type MultiSSOv2 MultiSSOv2 Script Include MultiSSOv2_SAML2_custom Installation Exit MultiSSOv2 MutliSSOLogin MultiSSOLogoutv2 Related Links1. If you have glide.authenticate.multissov2_feature.enabled = false, then you are using the MultiSSO plugin , not the MultiSSOV2 plugin 2. In the Identity Provider record , Go to Advance Tab --> Single Sign On Script : MultiSSO_SAML2_Update1 2. Following installation exits and Script include are set to true. Plugin Type MultiSSO MultiSSO Script Include MultiSSO_SAML2_Update1 Installation Exit MultiSSO MutliSSOLogin MultiSSOLogout